Towards a Geography of Fiction

It all starts with the supposedly simple questions: Where is literature set and why there? Europe offers an abundant wealth of fictionalised landscapes and cities. The nascent research area of literary geography / literary cartography aims at visibly rendering such complex overlays of real and fictional geographies. Against this background that an interactive prototype of a »Literary Atlas of Europe« is currently under development at the Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation, ETH Zurich.


Abb. 5a:

LENDEMAINS: Literary Landscapes

Barbara Piatti, with visualisations by Anne-Kathrin Reuschel Rendering visible literary landscapes. A Plea for Experiments between Cartography and Literary Studies (Original Title: Rendre visible les paysages littéraires: plaidoyer pour des expériences entre la cartographie et les études littéraires) Provided below are the colour illustrations of a forthcoming article (in french), which is published in black [...]

Jüdisches Ghetto, Prag um 1890

Prague as phantom-city

Barbara Piatti Towards a Literary-Geographical System. Some Remarks about Prague as Phantom-City within “A Literary Atlas of Europe” (Original title: Auf dem Weg zu einem literaturgeographischen System. Mit einigen Bemerkungen zu Prag als ville-mirage im Rahmen eines ›Literarischen Atlas Europas‹) Piatti, Barbara (2010): »Auf dem Weg zu einem literaturgeographischen System. Mit einigen Bemerkungen zu Prag [...]

Fig. 4. The geography of Zahn's novel Albin Indergand

Towards a Geography of Fiction

Barbara Piatti, Anne-Kathrin Reuschel, Hans Rudolf Bär, William Cartwright, Lorenz Hurni Mapping Literature. Towards a Geography of Fiction → Download at the bottom of the page Abstract: Modern cartography has the ability to map almost any phenomenon for which spatial relationships are of primary relevance. While existing cartographic products cover already an enormous variety of [...]

Ian McEwan

Invisible Settings

Barbara Piatti »›The Hotel of Eduard and Florence does not exist.‹ About the Possibilities of Fiction to create Invisible Settings« (Original Title: »›Das Hotel von Eduard und Florence (…) gibt es nicht.‹ Von den Möglichkeiten der Literatur, unsichtbare Schauplätze zu schaffen.«) → Download at the bottom of the page Piatti, B. (2007): »›Das Hotel von [...]

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